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Dietary Supplement Industry Pinning Hopes on New 'Super Stimulant,' Non-Ephedra Diet Pill

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With ephedra being pulled from shelves, the decline in diet pill sales has reached a four year low. Industry experts have estimated that the sale of ephedrine diet pills has plummeted approximately 70 percent since 1999, severely hurting retailers' profits because weight-loss formulas are among the best-selling nutritional supplements.

The tide is turning, however, with the help of a new, non- ephedra, super-stimulant weight loss formula called Zantrex-3. In less than eight weeks, Zantrex-3 has sold more than 400,000 bottles, and that record-breaking trend continues unabated, according to executives at Basic Research, the exclusive distributors of Zantrex- 3. The diet and energy pill has captured America's imagination, so much so that retailers are having a difficult time keeping it in stock.

"Overall sales of weight loss products have continued to fall, due in part to consumer concern about ephedrine diet pills," explained Dennis Gay, CEO of Basic Research. "Retailers were in dire need of an ephedrine replacement ... a product with the kick and the popularity of ephedrine, but without all the negative baggage."

In March, Zantrex-3 was released, offering a proprietary super- stimulant formula that delivers the energy and weight loss the market demands. Consumer response was immediate. Retailers, including GNC, continue to set sales records with Zantrex-3. "This type of consumer enthusiasm hasn't been seen in this industry for years," said Gay.

During the 1990s, industry growth was fueled by ephedrine products, in particular the patented ECA Stack (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin). However, as concerns about ephedrine began to surface, particularly during the past 12 months, consumer tastes quickly changed. With sales dwindling the supplement/weight loss industry was ready for a revolutionary ephedrine replacement. Unfortunately, early ephedrine-free formulations were anything but revolutionary and sales were dismal.

Zantrex-3 succeeded where other non-ephedra products failed because the formula has both the weight loss and the energy components that consumers have come to expect from diet pills.

"Zantrex-3 changed the weight control landscape and the expectation levels of users," said Gay. "Conventional wisdom said that nothing would replace ephedrine. Then Zantrex-3 came along and almost single-handedly pulled the industry out of its protracted slump."

As retailers pin their hopes on continued Zantrex-3 success, Basic Research is moving ahead with aggressive marketing. "Up to now, Zantrex-3 has really been marketed the old fashioned way, by word of mouth," said Gay. "People try the formula, they lose weight and feel energetic ... they love it, and then tell friends. Now we're ready to unveil a branding campaign coupled with in-store promotions, so Zantrex-3 could grow to be the biggest product in a decade."

In fewer than two months, Zantrex-3 has gone from weight-loss sensation to international phenomenon. Worldwide, Zantrex-3 is realigning markets. And backed with a national advertising campaign, Basic Research executives expect a continued explosion in sales.

Diet Pill Maker Responds to False Story

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Ever since two London tabloids (Daily Express and Daily Star) reported that Britney Spears dropped a bottle of the diet/energy pill Zantrex-3 at Heathrow airport, there has been a flurry of speculation as to whether Spears actually uses Zantrex-3. And now has joined in the fray, claiming that "The pill makers wasted little time in putting the high-profile singer in its (sic) ads and touting the reports that Spears uses the weight-loss product" (online edition, October 8, 2003).

According to the manufacturers of Zantrex-3, the MSNBC report was totally inaccurate.

"The MSNBC report is completely false," says Gina Gay, director of marketing for Basic Research(R), Zantrex-3's exclusive distributor, and Zoller Laboratories, maker of Zantrex-3. "We have not created advertisements claiming such an affiliation with Ms. Spears and we have no plans to do so. The 'ad' referred to in the story was not developed, distributed, or authorized by us. Zoller Labs has not mentioned Britney Spears in any advertising. Period!"

What Makes Zantrex-3 So Popular?

Before the tabloid reports, Zantrex-3 was already America's leading diet and energy pill, setting sales records in GNC, by far America's largest, most recognized supplement retailer.

And sales in the UK and Europe were skyrocketing well before Britney Spears' Zantrex-3 pictures hit the media, and are still climbing at an astronomical rate.

What makes Zantrex-3 so popular is its unique combination of rapid weight loss and energy -- "weight loss with a kick" as described in a recent Zantrex-3 television and radio campaign.

Supported by published clinical trials, Zantrex-3 is the diet pill of choice for those who want the weight loss power and energy component of ephedra but without all of the negative baggage associated with that herb.

"Millions of Americans -- actresses, bodybuilders, homemakers -- are using Zantrex-3 to drop a few pounds," said Ms. Gay. "But millions more keep Zantrex-3 tucked away in their desk drawer for that 4 p.m. pick-me-up. I know I do. It's the combination of weight loss and energy that has helped push Zantrex-3 to the top -- making the formula the first non-ephedra diet pill with a kick."

The energy component in Zantrex-3 was actually tested on U.S. Navy Seals. In a published clinical trial, it was confirmed that Zantrex-3's active energy component helped Navy Seals perform better, decreasing sleepiness and improving cognitive function, including vigilance, learning, memory and mood state.

Another published study on Zantrex-3's active weight-loss component showed that it reduced caloric intake automatically, even without a prescribed diet/exercise regimen, and produced even more weight loss than the most popular ephedra-based diet pill. Continuing studies are in the works to determine whether Zantrex- 3's astonishing weight-loss benefit can be attributed to its effect on Ghrelin, the so-called "Hunger Hormone."

"If Britney really does rely on Zantrex-3's energy boost to maintain her hectic schedule, I personally think she should be congratulated," says Ms. Gay. "A lot of other celebrities would have turned to illegal drugs."

As for the inaccuracies of the report, Ms. Gay responds, "We'll do what's best to protect the Zantrex-3 brand, just as I suspect Britney's PR people will do what's best for her career." SOURCE Basic Research; Zoller Laboratories

Beaumont, Texas, Shop Says People Will Miss Supplements that Include Ephedra

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The bleary-eyed late-night workers who drop by Speedy Stop on Martin Luther King Boulevard and pick up a little energy in a pill soon won't be able to do it anymore.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced Tuesday that supplements containing the herb ephedra would be banned, effective in 60 days. The herbal supplement, often used in energy pills and weight loss supplements, has been linked to serious health effects and a number of deaths, according to the federal government.

Among the energy pills being sold at places like Speedy Stop are "Ultimate Energizer" and "Super Stingers," small packages of pills containing ephedra extracts.

Michelle Williams, a cashier at Speedy Stop, said she doesn't think the loss of the supplements will make a big dent in the store's sales, but she knows people will miss them. "When some of them are out, we do get a lot of questions about when we'll get some more," she said.

Amir Ali, manager of Shop-N-Save on Calder Avenue where an ephedra-laced pill called "Go Go Juice" is sold, said he doesn't sell enough of the energy pills to be impacted by the ban.

The Department of Health and Human Services plans to issue a consumer alert about the dangers of ephedra and send notices to manufacturers to stop selling the product, according to a report by the Associated Press. The Food and Drug Administration also plans to publish a rule making ephedra sales illegal.

After the 60 days, the FDA can enforce the rule by seizing the product, filing injunctions against the manufacturers and retailers and seeking criminal prosecution of violators.

Ephedra, which comes from the Chinese herb ma huang, has in some cases been linked to heart attacks, seizures, high blood pressure and strokes.

Health store manager Kathryn King, however, said that "perfectly good products" often get removed from the market when people knowingly misuse them.

King, who manages Health Food Heaven, a retail health store in Beaumont, said supplements containing ephedra can be harmful to people with heart disease, high blood pressure or thyroid disease.

"If you can't take over-the-counter sinus medication, then you probably ought not to take ephedra," King said.

Bottles are labeled with lists of people who should not take the supplements, she said, and consumers should learn to use those warnings.

"But you can't legislate good sense," she said.

Ephedra is also used in a popular bronchial dilator, which expands the bronchial tubes for asthma sufferers.

King said those asthma sufferers could be harmed by the ban because many of them cannot use the stronger prescription medications.

King, who said she didn't sell enough of the ephedra-containing supplements to be harmed by the ban, said many times that when an effective product comes out, people misuse it.

That is especially the case with weight-loss products that suddenly became wildly popular. People use them without making sure they are healthy for their bodies, she said.

The herbal extract was also the subject of a local lawsuit filed in April 2003 by a Port Arthur woman who alleged that she suffered a stroke after using Metabolife, which contains ephedra.

She contended that the Metabolife company and the store that sold it did not adequately warn her of the dangers. The lawsuit was dismissed this summer in federal court.

A high-profile ephedra case earlier this year involved the death of Baltimore Orioles baseball player Steve Bechler.

According to Associated Press reports, Bechler's father praised the ban Tuesday, saying it was the only thing that could make him and his wife happy.

Ephedra Ban Boosts Sales of Diet/Energy Pill Zantrex-3

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With its 'Ephedra-Like Kick,' Zantrex-3 is Poised

To Take Over Diet Pill Market

SALT LAKE CITY, April 12 /PRNewswire/ -- There's at least one diet pill company that's thrilled about the FDA's April 12, 2004 ban on ephedra - it's Zoller Labs, distributor of Zantrex-3. The popular pill in the distinctive bright blue bottle - once reportedly seen falling from the bag of Britney Spears as she scurried through London's Heathrow Airport ( Utah/109278.asp) - is now poised to virtually take over the entire diet pill market. Why? Because along with rapid weight loss, Zantrex-3 is the only remaining diet pill capable of giving consumers the "kick" they expect from a diet pill.

"Let's face it, people want more than weight loss from a diet pill...they want an energy kick," explains Gina Gay, spokesperson for Zoller Labs. "That's what made ephedra so popular. The reason consumers won't miss ephedra and the reason Zantrex-3 is experiencing record-setting sales is because Zantrex is the one and only diet pill that gives consumers the burst of sustained energy they want and expect from a diet pill. You won't believe how many people reach for their bottle of Zantrex-3 in the late afternoon to help get them through the day."

First released in early 2003, well before the ban on ephedra was announced, Zantrex-3 was breaking longstanding sales records, as consumers switched to Zantrex-3 because they were getting a stronger kick and more weight loss than they were with the leading ephedra product.

"We knew we had something special when a comparison of clinical trials showed the active compound in Zantrex-3 produced 546% more weight loss than the leading ephedra-based product (http:// and had a kick dieters could definitely feel," says Ms. Gay. "Zantrex-3 gave people what they wanted...weight loss AND energy."

"Since concerns about ephedra's safety began to escalate, retailers and consumers have been looking for more than an ephedra alternative, they have been looking for an effective ephedra replacement," explains Don Atkinson, VP of Sales for Zoller Labs. "Because Zantrex has both a weight loss component and a powerful energy booster, Zantrex sales led the industry even before the ephedra ban was announced. Now that the ephedra ban is in place we've had to ramp up production, increase our sales force, and put in a lot of overtime just to keep up with demand."

The best place to find Zantrex-3 is at GNC retailers (they always try to keep it in stock). Zantrex-3 is also currently featured on the shelves of CVS, Wal-Mart, Rite-Aid, Walgreen's, Vitamin Shoppe and select independent supplement retailers. SOURCE Zoller Labs

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