Diet Pill Maker Responds to False Story

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Ever since two London tabloids (Daily Express and Daily Star) reported that Britney Spears dropped a bottle of the diet/energy pill Zantrex-3 at Heathrow airport, there has been a flurry of speculation as to whether Spears actually uses Zantrex-3. And now has joined in the fray, claiming that "The pill makers wasted little time in putting the high-profile singer in its (sic) ads and touting the reports that Spears uses the weight-loss product" (online edition, October 8, 2003).

According to the manufacturers of Zantrex-3, the MSNBC report was totally inaccurate.

"The MSNBC report is completely false," says Gina Gay, director of marketing for Basic Research(R), Zantrex-3's exclusive distributor, and Zoller Laboratories, maker of Zantrex-3. "We have not created advertisements claiming such an affiliation with Ms. Spears and we have no plans to do so. The 'ad' referred to in the story was not developed, distributed, or authorized by us. Zoller Labs has not mentioned Britney Spears in any advertising. Period!"

What Makes Zantrex-3 So Popular?

Before the tabloid reports, Zantrex-3 was already America's leading diet and energy pill, setting sales records in GNC, by far America's largest, most recognized supplement retailer.

And sales in the UK and Europe were skyrocketing well before Britney Spears' Zantrex-3 pictures hit the media, and are still climbing at an astronomical rate.

What makes Zantrex-3 so popular is its unique combination of rapid weight loss and energy -- "weight loss with a kick" as described in a recent Zantrex-3 television and radio campaign.

Supported by published clinical trials, Zantrex-3 is the diet pill of choice for those who want the weight loss power and energy component of ephedra but without all of the negative baggage associated with that herb.

"Millions of Americans -- actresses, bodybuilders, homemakers -- are using Zantrex-3 to drop a few pounds," said Ms. Gay. "But millions more keep Zantrex-3 tucked away in their desk drawer for that 4 p.m. pick-me-up. I know I do. It's the combination of weight loss and energy that has helped push Zantrex-3 to the top -- making the formula the first non-ephedra diet pill with a kick."

The energy component in Zantrex-3 was actually tested on U.S. Navy Seals. In a published clinical trial, it was confirmed that Zantrex-3's active energy component helped Navy Seals perform better, decreasing sleepiness and improving cognitive function, including vigilance, learning, memory and mood state.

Another published study on Zantrex-3's active weight-loss component showed that it reduced caloric intake automatically, even without a prescribed diet/exercise regimen, and produced even more weight loss than the most popular ephedra-based diet pill. Continuing studies are in the works to determine whether Zantrex- 3's astonishing weight-loss benefit can be attributed to its effect on Ghrelin, the so-called "Hunger Hormone."

"If Britney really does rely on Zantrex-3's energy boost to maintain her hectic schedule, I personally think she should be congratulated," says Ms. Gay. "A lot of other celebrities would have turned to illegal drugs."

As for the inaccuracies of the report, Ms. Gay responds, "We'll do what's best to protect the Zantrex-3 brand, just as I suspect Britney's PR people will do what's best for her career." SOURCE Basic Research; Zoller Laboratories

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