Energy medicine guru among guests at Natural Living Expo

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This describes you, right? Your body is in alignment, you feel good, balanced, all the stress is gone; you're feeling comfortable, serene and calm. You're energetic and your brain is so turned on you can think with wonderful clarity.

What? You're a hunched-over, stressed-out wreck whose overloaded brain is so turned off you can't remember when you felt that good - if ever? Well, then, its high time you shake the stupor and get your energy moving again, and we know a coffee run is no long-term answer. Donna Eden, energy medicine guru and internationally sought after speaker and author, tells us we can begin to switch to a higher octave in just five stress-banishing minutes a day.

Carol Bedrosian, publisher of Grafton-based Spirit of Change magazine, does Eden's five-minute energy routine every morning. "It's a perfect health maintenance routine," she says. And that may be one reason Bedrosian invited Eden to be a keynote speaker at Spirit of Change's third annual Natural Living Expo Saturday and Sunday at the Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge. The good news is that Eden and her husband and co-teacher, David Feinstein, accepted the invitation. The glitch is that Eden's keynote, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, sold out at $25 a ticket. She also will give a lecture on energy medicine from noon to 1:30 p.m. Sunday that is free with expo admission, but best arrive early. Bedrosian says she has been getting so many calls about that event that she has been thinking "crowd control."

Eden's appearances are just one highlight of the expo, which attracted about 5,000 people last year and likely will bring in more than that this year. Other keynoters are Feinstein, a clinical psychologist, who will speak on energy psychology at 2 p.m. Sunday; holistic physician Bernie Siegel ( "Love, Medicine and Miracles" and "Prescriptions for Living and the Art of Healing") at 2 p.m. Saturday; and famed psychic medium John Holland ("Power of the Soul: Messages from the Other Side") at 2 p.m. Sunday. Siegel also will do a lecture and book signing event from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday.

In addition, the expo will feature 135 exhibits and more than 90 workshops on everything from yoga, how to eat more healthfully and how to tune into your intuition to more esoteric topics such as past lives, soul travel and meeting your guardian angel. There also will be cooking demonstrations, a food court, kids activities and a sign language interpreter for several of the workshops.

On Sunday, there also will be an Inner Space Meditation Room presented by the Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace from Watertown. Every half hour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., you can join in a meditation session with gentle music and guided commentary. "It's a relaxing and soothing oasis within a busy day that anyone can enjoy, whether you've meditated before or not," Bedrosian said. "My own experience with the BK is that every event they present is always planned with attention to the smallest details that will uplift the spiritual and physical senses of their guests."

Even with all that, energy medicine will be the main draw for many expo goers. Energy medicine is a method of healing the body by activating the natural healing energies within and also by restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance. It recognizes energy meridians, much like acupuncture, but there are no needles. Instead, you massage, thump, pinch or twist key points with your fingers. You can treat yourself once you learn a few basics, or you can go to a trained practitioner. It has been used to address physical illness, emotional or mental disorders and is also used to promote wellbeing and a positive attitude.

It is an idea whose time has come, apparently.

In 1998 when Eden first came out with her landmark book, "Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body's Energies for Optimal Health, Joy and Vitality," the publisher sent her on a six-city promotional tour. "We thought we were going home after that," she said, in a recent phone interview. "Then suddenly people were saying 'Why don't you come to my city, or come here or come there.' So we thought well maybe there's enough to do it for six months."

But the demand just didn't let up, so she and Feinstein went home and closed their private practices, and they've been on the road most of the time ever since. "It's just been an amazing experience. We've learned how to live on the road and make hotel rooms our home," she said. There was the inevitable jet lag and unsettling time change issues, however. "The first few months were kind of rough, but I learned how to deal with it with the work that is mine, with energy medicine," she said.

On the way, she gained some notable converts. A growing number of holistic doctors, such as Andrew Weil, MD, Christiane Northrup, MD and Caroline Myss, PhD, discuss and recommend energy medicine treatments on their Web sites and in books and lectures.

"I think it's something we're all going to have to learn how to do for a million reasons, and just because we do jet around the world and our bodies were not evolved to do that," Eden said. "We also live in a world we didn't evolve to live in at all, environmentally. We're bombarded constantly with unnatural energies and chemicals. David just looked it up recently and saw that there are 17,000 different manmade chemicals that can go into our food. And we didn't evolve with that. We evolved in a natural world, and now our bodies have to deal with all this, so people get allergies or people get sensitivities, or maybe they just don't feel great and they don't know why."

Energy medicine helps the body cope and regain its natural ability to heal itself. Eden said she believes that, in the future, energy medicine will walk hand in hand with traditional Western medicine. If so, it will be the culmination of a long and sometimes fractious process. Eden first started learning energy medicine to deal with her own life-threatening illnesses after doctors could not help. Soon after, in 1977, she began applying what she knew to help others. In 1978 a group of doctors from Palomar Medical Center in California sued her for practicing medicine without a license. During the trial, Eden's lawyer brought forth witness after witness who had been helped by energy medicine. The judge threw the case out, but that wasn't quite the end of it. The witness' testimony had an impact on the doctors, although the full effect took some time to unfold.

"Ten years later that same group of doctors invited me back to the hospital to teach a class," she said.

Natural Living Expo

When: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow; and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday

Where: Sturbridge Host Hotel, Route 20 West, Sturbridge

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